The study ‘The Impact of Augmented Reality on Retail” provided the next results:
- Augmented Reality is trending among shoppers: 34% of customers already use some form of AR while shopping. And 47% of them use it both in a store and online shopping.
- Most preferable AR uses: 77% of AR users said they exploit it to see product differences, such as possible variations of colors and styles. 65% of AR users often use it to find more about product information.
- Influence of AR: 71% of shoppers consider that they would shop more often if they used AR apps. 61% said they preferably choose stores with AR over those without it. 55% admitted AR makes shopping more fun and exciting. 40% of shoppers consider that they are ready to pay more for a product if they were allowed to test it through AR.
- Augmented Reality drives impulse purchasing: 72% of AR users said they purchased stuff they didn’t plan to buy, because of AR.
- AR increases interest and time spent by customers: 45% said it saves their time, while 68% admitted that they would rather spend more time at the shop if they could use augmented reality.
- The overall impact on purchasing: 41% of AR users admitted that they prefer using it due to deals and special promotions. So retailers got one more powerful instrument to entrap customers to store, connect them and communicate with them, while customers may use AR to provide more wise decisions and buff their own shopping experiences.